池田 悟 IKEDA Satoru

日本音楽コンクール第1位を含む3つの管弦楽曲、歌曲、邦楽合奏(愛知万博)、フルートオーケストラ作品が国内のコンクールで入賞。海外での発表は、パリ/ルーマニア/*ルクセンブルク国際作曲賞2004/スペイン:Bell’Arte Europa 2005(ピアノ曲)/*室内オルガン作曲コンクール(英)/尺八室内楽国際作曲賞2008(豪)/*英国ハープシコード協会10周年作曲コンクール/シドニー国際作曲家コンサート2017(管弦楽)/パンムジーク・フェスティバル(ソウル)/ウクライナ:2つの作曲コンクール(ピアノ小協奏曲、弦楽オケ)/トイピアノ(米)/2つの英詩歌曲(伊)/ピアノ曲(英)/ポーランド:*バスフルート、チェロとピアノのトリオ、*弦楽オケ改訂版/モルドバ(*管弦楽)/ISCM:2018北京、2020(オンライン)、2021上海・南寧。



The ultra-expressive “Hataori” by IKEDA Satoru… review of his work included in an album for string orchestra which won the award for Best Classical Album of the Akademia Music Awards in 2021.
IKEDA Satoru, born in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka prefecture in 1961, studied composition with OTSUKI Hiroshi and SATO Shin. Having received a B.A. in Education from Shizuoka University in 1983 and an M.M. degree in Composition from Tokyo University of the Arts in 1987, he is currently Musical Director at Shimamura Music Co.,Ltd. He loves to play the piano and the cello.
IKEDA Satoru has won twenty awards and distinctions including First Prize in The Music Competition of Japan in 1988, Japan Symphony Promotion Foundation in 2000, The Orchestral Song Composition Competition in 2001, International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2004, The British Harpsichord Society Tenth Anniversary Composition Competition in 2012, the Alfred Schnittke International Composers’ Competition 2018, Sacrarium International Composers’ Competition 2018 and 1° Prize Ex-Aequo in Musica Prospettiva’s 2019-20 International Call for Scores. His works have additionally been performed in the Sydney International Composers Concert 2017, the ISCM World New Music Days 2018 in Beijing, ISCM Virtual Collaborative Series 2020, and ISCM 2021 in Shanghai and Nanning.