斉木 由美 SAIKI Yumi

愛知県立芸術大学、パリ・エコールノルマル音楽院、パリ国立高等音楽院(一等賞首席)をそれぞれ卒業。2005年IRCAM講習生。日本音楽コンクール、芥川作曲賞等を受賞。これまでにMusic Tomorrow、Music From Japan、サントリー芸術財団、読売日本交響楽団、名古屋フィルハーモニー交響楽団などの団体や優れた演奏家からの委嘱新作を発表し、主要作品は、NHK交響楽団などのオーケストラや国内外の現代音楽アンサンブル、演奏家たちによって、欧米、アジア、オセアニアなどの音楽祭や演奏会で紹介されている。近年は、岐阜で室内楽作品個展、自作CD2枚リリース(いずれもレコード芸術特選盤、朝日新聞推薦盤)、サントリーホール作曲家の個展IIのテーマ作曲家として管弦楽作品を発表、Music From Japanニューヨーク音楽祭でレジデンス・コンポーザーとして個展開催などがある。作品では「虫の音楽」や「変容」シリーズの他、音楽以外の事象や宗教的題材などを用いて、独自の視点に基づいた音楽的時間への思索・考察を試みている。東京藝術大学、国立音楽大学では後進の指導にあたっている。



Yumi Saiki graduated from Aichi Prefectural University of Arts and Music. After graduating from Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris in 1991, she joined Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris the same year, where she graduated with top honors of Premier prix à Premier nommé in 1995. In 2005, she pursued further research into electronic music and composition at IRCAM in Paris. She has been the recipient of several prizes, including the second prize in the Music Competition of Japan in and the Akutagawa Award for Music Composition. She has also been commissioned by various groups including Music Tomorrow, Music From Japan, Suntory Foundation for Arts, and Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra,as well as several renowned performing artists. Her major works have been performed by leading orchestras such as NHK Symphony Orchestra at music festivals and concerts in Europe, the United States, Asia, Oceania. In recent years, she has released a solo exhibition of chamber music works, released two self-made CDs (Both were special picks of The Record Geijutsu and recommended discs of The Asahi Shimbun), and released orchestra works as the theme composer of Suntory Hall composer’s solo exhibition II.She holds solo exhibitions as a residence composer in Music From Japan New York Music Festival . In her work, in addition to the “Insect Music” and “Transformation” series, she attempts to think and consider musical time based on her own perspective, using phenomena other than music and religious subjects. she teaches younger generations at Tokyo University of the Arts and Kunitachi College of Music.