成本 理香 NARIMOTO Rica

和歌山市生まれ。愛知県立芸術大学音楽学部作曲専攻を首席で卒業、桑原賞受賞。同大学院修士課程、博士後期課程修了。同大学初の作曲領域での博士号(音楽)を取得。現音作曲新人賞はじめ様々なコンクールに入選の後、2008年第29回入野賞を受賞。2015年Iron Composer Competition(アメリカ)第3位。平成27年度大桑文化奨励賞、平成27年度愛知県芸術文化選奨文化新人賞、平成28年度和歌山県文化表彰文化奨励賞などを受賞。浄瑠璃音楽「一中節」の時間構造分析に基づいた作曲をはじめ、近年はクロス・ジャンル(ジャンルの越境)をテーマに作曲を続けており、その作品は世界各国で演奏されている。ALM RECORDS、CAFUA Records、Da Vinci PublishingよりCDリリース、ティーダ出版やイタリアのARS PUBLICA社より楽譜が出版されている。アメリカのACC (the Asian Cultural Council)の2010年度Fellowに選ばれ、招聘を受けて2011年渡米、ニューヨークに居住しアメリカの現代音楽と現代芸術に関する調査研究活動を行った。ニューヨーク滞在の終盤に行った自作自演を含む個展では好評を博した。愛知県立芸術大学准教授。金城学院大学、名古屋芸術大学各非常勤講師。



Born in Wakayama, Japan, she completed her M.A. and Doctor of Music at Aichi University of the Arts graduating at the top of her class and receiving the University’s prestigious Kuwabara Prize. She is the first person to have received a doctoral degree in the field of composition at that university. Her music has been performed at concerts and international festivals in many countries including Japan, North America, Europe and Africa. She has received several awards including the Irino Prize, the Asian Cultural Council Individual Fellowship Award(USA), the third prize at Iron Composer Competition(USA). She was invited from Asian Cultural Council as a fellow and lived in New York for researching about American contemporary music and art in 2011. At the end of her stay in NYC, she had a highly claimed recital, “Portrait Concert: Rica Narimoto”, featuring her own compositions, some of which were performed by herself. Her work combines contemporary music composition techniques with the structures of the 17th Century Japanese Itchu-Bushi form in order to create abstractions of space and time and produce a unique musical signature. In recent years, she has been interested in the structure of art works and architecture. She analyzes and applies them to her compositions. She is currently an associate professor in Aichi University of the Arts, and a lecturer in Kinjo Gakuin University and Nagoya University of the Arts.