赤石 敏夫 AKAISHI Toshio

尚美学園で11年間にわたり教鞭を執り、その後14年間にわたり、ローランドにて電子楽器の普及と音楽教育の場での活用法を研究。アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア地域の音楽学校、音楽大学も歴訪、世界の音楽教育事情にも精通。また、The Associated Board of The Royal Schools of Music[A.B.R.S.M](英国王立音楽検定)の普及に努めている。自宅教室で多くの生徒を指導し、現在まで約500名の受験生を音中・音高・音大・芸大に合格させた。主要出版物(刊行中):ソルフェージュ入門(上・下)【KMP刊】。和声学(1986)【(財)日本音楽教育文化振興会刊】。独習聴音問題集(上・下)CD-R付き【全音刊】。視唱ステップ・アップ【全音刊】。



Composer / music educator. Graduated Kunitachi College of Music, Department of Composition. Member of Japanese Society of Contemporary Music ([ISCM] Japan). THE JAPAN FEDERATION OF COMPOSERS, Inc.[JEC]. Piano Teacher’s National Association [PTNA]. Solfege studies conference Japan. Currently, he is an emeritus professor and part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Music, Soai University. Represents “Akaishi Music Studio”
Work in commercials is diverse, but artistic work is done through his organization. He has performed abroad in Berlin, Vienna, Strasbourg, Bucharest, Bern, Regina (Canada), Legnago (Italy), Los Angeles and Seoul.
He taught at Shobi Gakuen(Tokyo) for 11 years and then for 14 years learned the spread of electronic musical instruments and their application to music education in Roland. He also visits music schools and universities in the United States, Europe and Asia, interacts with various music educators and is familiar with the world of music education.
He also interacts with and promotes the London headquarters of The Associated Board of The Royal Schools of Music [A.B.R.S.M].
Major publications : Introduction to Solfege vol.1.2 [published by KMP]. Theory of Harmony [Japan Music Education and Culture Promotion Association]. Teach Yourself Aural Training by CD-R vol.1.2 [Zen-On Music Company Ltd.]. Graded Sight Singing Studies [Zen-On].